The Beauty of Flexibility in the Workplace

workplace flexibility

There’s no denying that Covid-19 has changed the landscape of many business operations right now. The “new” normal is fast becoming just “normal,” and part of that normal includes increased flexibility for employees.

Flexibility in the workspace and the freedom to work from home or adopt a hybrid schedule is something that top talent is demanding and now, because of COVID, getting. It’s also a trend that probably won’t disappear once the virus does.

There are simply too many benefits to both employers and employees for it to be taken off the table once the economy fully reopens, and the COVID lockdowns have really just served to highlight those many attractive benefits!

Why is Employee Flexibility So Desirable?

Well… because it’s flexible. When an employer offers different options for the workplace, it frees up employees to establish a more effective work/life balance than a traditional 9-5 job structure allows for.

Not only does that better work/life balance help reduce stress levels and boost morale, but it can also increase overall productivity. When people don’t feel the pressure to sacrifice their family for their career, it may lead to stronger company commitment and better workforce retention.

Additionally, employees that are given more control over the progression of their day and how they manage their time while working may segue into greater autonomy as well as increased feelings of job satisfaction.

And of course, many employees will save a ton of time on their day, just from eliminating their job commute. Even if they eventually adopt a hybrid work schedule, it still cuts commute time in half, which is time that can be put to better use, whether it’s more time spent on work or more time for friends and family.

What Does Job Flexibility Look Like?

There are different ways businesses have been adopting workforce flexibility and structuring what they offer their employees. Currently, due to COVID-19, there is a lot of work from home going on. Some call it “remote” working, but either way, the premise is that you aren’t required to be in an office just to do your job.

You can work from your actual home or take your work to a coworking space that offers additional benefits similar to working from the office, but with a schedule that works for you.

Coworking spaces are great because they typically offer all the amenities a traditional office might have, except you choose when and how you work. That means you don’t have to set up a home office if you don’t want to.

You can also opt for a private office in a coworking space, which is attractive during a time when social distancing is the buzzword of the day.

There are also plenty of other benefits to coworking spaces, including networking opportunities and simply offering somewhere to “escape” when working from your actual home becomes impossible. That way, you can check items off your list that need doing, sans the distractions of kids, spouse, and home life.

Other ways employers offer job flexibility include options like “Flextime,” and the reality is that this may be the way moving forward once COVID lockdowns are lifted.

Flextime is essentially a hybrid work schedule, where you are required to be in the office during certain hours, but the rest of the time, you can come and go as you please or take your work home or to a coworking space and do it there. It’s slightly more structured than remote work, but it’s flexible and customizable, depending on how much your employer is willing to work with you.

There are also other options that offer more flexibility to employees, but the hybrid schedule and remote working are by far the most popular right now and will probably continue to be most popular as society changes, and the demands of the workforce change to adapt.

Employee flexibility is the wave of now and the future. Savvy business owners are already looking for ways to accommodate increased demand, and you should too. Contact Optimum Coworking to learn how you can thrive with the flexibility of coworking space.