Achieving all Dimensions of Wellness in the Workplace


Wellness isn’t just about physical health. It’s about actively making decisions that positively impact the many dimensions of wellbeing, including emotional, social and environmental. At Optimum, we believe that wellness should be a central component of every part of your daily life, including your work life.

That’s why we’ve created a mindfully curated space that’s stimulating, pleasant and that supports wellbeing and good health.

Why Wellness Matters

Wellness isn’t one specific attribute, but rather a complex, interconnected system. It arises when all aspects of these systems are in balance. When they’re not, issues occur. The interaction between the various dimensions of our lives means that if we’re struggling in one area, we’re liable to be struggling in others. The converse is also true.

For example, financial or emotional problems have a flow-on impact that affects the social and occupational areas of our lives. Environmental problems have an impact on our emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Little wonder that today’s workplaces are increasingly looking to wellness initiatives and wellness-inspired design to improve overall employee wellbeing. The returns speak for themselves. Even a simple wellness program delivers an ROI of 3:1 while also reducing stress, absenteeism, and turnover.

A Holistic Workplace Design: 9 Dimensions of Wellness

So, what does a wellness-oriented workplace look like? There are nine commonly recognized dimensions of wellness, each of which Optimum Coworking seeks to integrate into our shared office environment.

They are:

  1. Creative – fostered by artistic activities and found to improve both job performance and overall wellbeing. 
  2. Emotional – associated with effective coping mechanisms and satisfying relationships.
  3. Environmental – influenced by positive surroundings, which reduce stress and foster overall performance.
  4. Financial – a measure of your financial stability, and influencing the emotional, physical and social dimensions.
  5. Intellectual – associated with challenging, stimulating environments, and driving engagement and curiosity.
  6. Occupational – fostered by learning new skills to feel satisfied and enriched at work.
  7. Physical – associated with fitness and activity and found to improve mood and overall wellbeing.
  8. Social – linked to community and belonging, along with improved emotional wellbeing
  9. Spiritual – related to a sense of purpose and meaning and connected with social and emotional wellbeing.

Wellness in Action

We believe that great environments are crucial to being able to achieve great things at work and beyond. Every element of the Optimum experience has been carefully crafted to deliver an exceptional experience that fosters wellness across multiple wellness dimensions.

State-of-the-art fitness facilities, a calendar of talks and events, and a series of carefully appointed spaces are just some of the features that promote wellbeing at Optimum. Each part of the offer taps into one of the nine dimensions of wellness for an environment that encourages exceptional outcomes at every turn.

Thoughtfully designed for maximum personalization, flexibility and productivity, Optimum is a unique coworking space that strives to provide a truly holistic working environment for today’s high-achieving professionals.